Best Tasting Polish Lentil Soup

Nutrient dense Easy to make Delicious flavor

why you will love  Polish Lentil Soup


- clean and chop all the veggies - sauté them in a skillet until tender; finish by adding tomato paste - transfer everything to a soup pot - add broth, bring to boil, reduce and simmer - rinse the lentils

Step by Step

– add the potatoes and lentils to the pot - sauté the kielbasa until golden brown, add it to the soup - finish by adding a splash of ACV - taste and adjust to your liking - serve garnished with fresh herbs

Step by Step

Top tips for making  Lentil SOup

-rinse the lentils - sauté the veggies to create flavor - simmer gently  - brown the kielbasa - don't skip the ACV

- with a side of crusty bread - add a dollop of sour cream - with side salad  - garnish generously with fresh herbs

Best ways to enjoy  Polish Lentil Soup