how to make krokiety - polish croquets

Versatile Fun to make Comfort food

why you will love krokiety - polish croquets


- start by making batch of Nalesniki - Polish Crepes - add kraut and spices to a medium size pot, cook for about 40 min, until softened - prepare the mushrooms, clean and chop

Step by Step

- In a large frying pan, melt the butter, add chopped onion and garlic, sauté until fragrant. – Add the chopped mushrooms and cook on low for 10 minutes - add cooked kraut and cook all together 5-7 minutes

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- place two spoonfuls of the filling in the center of the nalesnik - fold the edges and then roll like a burrito

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- dip each rolled nalesnik into the beaten eggs, then coat with breadcrumbs. – heat oil in a skillet over medium heat. - fry the breaded rolls until golden brown on all sides. - enjoy

Step by Step

Top tips for making krokiety

- drain the kraut - chop the ingredients  - cool the filling before stuffing - don't overfill - bread the krokiety evenly - fry at the right temperature, over medium high heat - drain excess oil

- with a side of red borscht - topped with mushroom sauce - paired with sour cream or yogurt - with a side of green salad or pickles - with ketchup or fave BBQ sauce

How to best enjoy Krokiety - Polish Croquets